JOHN HUGHES: Thank You and R.I.P.

Last week we lost another legendary artist when John Hughes died of a heart attack at the age of 59. The man was responsible for countless of the most memorable movies of the past century including PRETTY IN PINK, THE BREAKFAST CLUB, PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES, and HOME ALONE just to name a few. For me, Hughes and his work was one of the reason I chose to get into the movie business in the first place as his work and understanding of young adults transcended time. I don't know one person who can't list at least one John Hughes movie that he was directly on in directly responsible for that is not in some way memorable. Whether it be a quote, a scene, a song, or a message, John Hughes films more then any other struck a chord with the younger generation through not only the 80's but even today. I will miss the man and his work but am grateful that he has left such a lasting and memorable legacy that we will be able to enjoy and remember for years to come. That said, check out this amazing tribute from the folks at ECLECTIC METHOD that attempts to fit some of John Hughes most memorable moments in a 5 minute clip. The other clip is a montage of all the movies he directed pieced together by a guy on YOU TUBE, great stuff!

Eclectic Method - A John Hughes Production from Eclectic Method on Vimeo.

Via: Get Kempt


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