Fallen Icons: An Exhibit By Dean Rogers

Princess Diana, August 31, 1997

On display this week at the Wrapping Project in London, is a unique and expired collection of photographs shot by Dean Rogers. What makes this exhibit so unique is the inspiration behind Roger's photos. "Rogers took the images on the anniversary of the deaths, at the exact time of day they occurred, and in the precise position the car was before impact. Whereas some of the final photographs are rendered atmospheric by darkness, many reveal the rather banal landscape witnessed by the subjects in the final seconds before their deaths. The series includes the deathplaces of artists and writers including Jackson Pollock, Albert Camus and Helmut Newton, and musicians such as Marc Bolan and Eddie Cochrane. It also features perhaps the world's most famous car crash victim, Princess Diana."

James Dean, September 30, 1955

Jackson Pollock, August 11, 1956

Albert Camus, January 4, 1960

Via: Creative Review


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