As an amateur photographer, I'm always looking for inspiration. I especially like portrait photography, which is why I decided to spotlight a few sites I enjoy.

"a man out and about in london and beyond: eye candy for the style hungry" - FaceHunter

Make sure to check out the Facehunter Show also

follow facehunter on twitter

Japan is definitely on my bucket list, however until the funds catch up, I'll have to live vicariously through DropSnap.



"Today, Tokyo's latest culture seems very unclear what it is, through the filter called "media". Many Japanese with the sense of creativity and fashion exist here in Tokyo. However there are no media to express their art and messages. Unfortunately the reality is, that media who never even notice these fashionable people, get the most attention... This is why it is time for "DROP" to make some action. We will introduce people who create the Tokyo culture, so don't be afraid to commit in this big movement!!" - DropSnap

follow dropsnap on twitter


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