Cinemash: Favorite Film Moments By Favorite Film People

Courtesy of the fine folks over at Mean Magazine and Zune, a new form of viral celebrity videos have graced us with their presence. "In short videos, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Channing Tatum, Will Arnett and Cheech and Chong, among others, are re-imagining some of the films they love, with a twist and shout-out". "The exclusive digital series lets celebrity talent mash up their favorite scenes from classic movies. In the show's premiere season, celebrities Cinemash such films as Training Day, Dirty Dancing, Tron, Point Break, Sid and Nancy, Carrie, and Oldboy."

After viewing Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's take on SID AND NANCY(video below), I can't wait to see what the others did and really think this concept has the potential to be one the most unique and interesting forms of celebrity viral videos.

Check out the LA Times article HERE.

Props to our good friend Lily for the scoop!

Via: LA Times / Zune / YouTube


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