Since word first got about the latest Steven Soderbergh and Matt Damon collaboration, the film easily became of one of the most anticipated movies of 2009. With their previous efforts together, OCEAN'S 11, 12, and 13, the duo showed not only some amazing chemistry but also originality which is very hard to come by these days. With that said, we were really excited about the project and now with the official release of the trailer, it definitely looks like it will live up to the expectations. Check out the trailer and synopsis for the film below:

"The Informant is based on the true-life novel by Kurt Eichenwald. The story revolves around Mark Whitacre (Damon), a rising star at the agriculture conglomerate, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). At the urging of his wife (who had threatened to go to the FBI), Whitacre spilled the beans to an agent that he had been involved in a price-fixing scam with other major corporations over the food additive, lysine. As if that wasn't enough of a story, it was later revealed that Whitacre (one of the most high profile, whistle-blowers in history) was suffering from Bipolar disorder and had defrauded millions from ADM."

Via: Cinematical


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