BRUNO: An Advice Column

In this month's issue of GQ Magazine, the folks over there thought it would be a great idea to put their advice column section in the capable hands of our favorite gay Austrian fashion reporter Bruno. I don't know about you, but the chance to read advice from a man who needs to know how to defend himself against a man with a dildo, might never happen again. Here's a sample of some of the absurdity that took place and you can check out the entire article HERE:

Dear Brüno, if forced to choose: Dolce or Gabbana?
Gabbana. Dolce is bald, so zere’s no hair to grab hold of.

Dear Brüno, how can I get some “Efron hair”? Or at least some “Pattinson hair”?
Ich vouldn’t bother getting a Zac Efron hairstyle right now, cos ich am about to change mine and he’s certain to copy me again. In terms of grooming, ze only thing he hasn’t copied me with ist getting his ballensack pierced—vell, he hadn’t had it done ze last time ich saw him.

Dear Brüno, what’s your feeling on getting your teeth professionally whitened?

If people vant to pay for it—zat’s up to zem. Personally, ich have never had to pay for it, und ich prefer it on ze chest to ze mouth, anyvay.

Via: GQ


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