Whatever Works: Larry David X Woody Allen

Woody Allen. Larry David. Those four words right there should be enough to make you want to read this post. These 2 men have both enjoyed long and distinguished careers and have been the driving force behind such projects as ANNIE HALL, MANHATTAN, SEINFELD, and THE LARRY DAVID SHOW. They bother represent the every day man and have mastered the art of kvetching. Their style, wit, and neuroticism is unparalleled and our two of the greatest comedians of our generation. After working previously twice before but on a smaller scale, Woody and Larry decided to team up again this time to in a much bigger way for Woody's latest film WHATEVER WORKS. Recently, Blackbook Magazine sat down with Larry to talk about working with Woody, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and more. Check out a portion of the interview below and to read the entire thing click HERE.

Did you have to dig deep to play the role of a middle-aged Jewish man?
That aspect was really unusual. I tried to find as many Jews as I could and befriend them and talk to them and see what made them tick. I went back to Brooklyn and walked the streets and interviewed people, “What’s it like being a Jew? How do you behave?”

On Curb Your Enthusiasm, you improvise the majority of your scenes. What was it like to play the lead role in a movie with pages and pages of dialogue?
It was hard. I opened the script and saw the first page that was full of Boris. Then I turned to page 50 and saw Boris. Then, went to the last page and I went “Oy veyzmir.” It was kind of daunting to have to learn all of that, to tell you the truth. As far as the improvising goes, that was another aspect to it that I found daunting because I am used to improvising and kind of making up most of it as I go along. And it was challenging, and I don’t really care for challenges.

Via: Blackbook Magazine


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